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The Logistics Cluster provides coordination and Information Management to support operational decision-making and improve the predictability, timeliness and efficiency of the humanitarian emergency response. Where necessary, the Logistics Cluster also facilitates access to common logistics services. Due to its expertise in the field of humanitarian logistics, the World Food Programme was chosen by the IASC as the lead agency for the Logistics Cluster. WFP hosts the Global Logistics Cluster support team in its headquarters in Rome. WFP also acts as a ‘provider of last resort’ offering common logistics services, when critical gaps hamper the humanitarian response.
The central role of the Logistics Cluster is to act as a liaison between humanitarian actors, where logistics operations are concerned. To that end, Global Logistics Cluster staff organise and participate in a variety of inter-organisational fora and working groups, prepare and disseminate regular updates on Logistics Cluster activities. At field level, the Logistics Cluster organises and chairs coordination meetings to streamline activities, avoid duplication of efforts and ensure the optimal use of resources. The Logistics Cluster Global ConOps Map provides a full overview of active operations and current activities.
Global Logistics Cluster IM officers serve as the communications link between field operations and the humanitarian community; they ensure global standards and continuity across operations are maintained. Global Logistics Cluster IM officers support operations providing guidance and support to field staff, deploying as surge capacity at the onset of an emergency and filling the position of field IM Officer when needed. Field IM Officers collect and analyse operational information and develop high quality, timely, and accurate information products disseminated to stakeholders through the appropriate channels, following the principles outlined in the Information Management Guide.
Logistics Cluster logisticians design and manage logistics cluster activities, offering logistics solutions and technical support to responding organisations. Global Logistics Cluster logisticians act as the focal point at the global level for Logistics Cluster operations, providing expertise, regularly deploying to on-going activities or in response to sudden onset emergencies and supporting field staff.